Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Birthday Books 2016!!


I got a stack of books (yeah I stacked them on top of each other and admired them). In no way am I bragging at all. I just want to share the books that I got.  So, let us begin!

- Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs. I have it! YAYAYAY! I am really excited to read this (and all of my other books of course). It looks amazing sitting next to MPHFPC and Hollow City! So
haunting and mysterious.

-Girl Online: On Tour by Zoe Sugg. Okay, so I knew I was getting this one, but it doesn't stop me
from immensely looking forward to reading it. I love the first book, so I hope it lives up to it's predecessor (I am sure may!)

- Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. Okay. Set in the future. 80s pop culture references. Book. It feels like it might have been written for me. I am nearly obsessed with the 1980s. I can't wait to read this!

-Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin. When I first loosely heard what this book was about, I was so intrigued that I had to read it for myself and it sounds really good. A very unique concept that I am sure will get me thinking.

-Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta. I don't know a lot about this book, but I know there is a movie too. It looks cool, the cover matches the style of book cover for my I Can Jump Puddles (Alan Marshall) book. I think it will be good.

-The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. I saw this book in a bookshop and it sounded great. I thought it sounded similar to a Ruby Redfort sort of book, but including the kidnapping of fictional characters!

-Trash by Andy Mulligan. I received this as an early birthday present and, coincidentally, I had to read it for school. It was quite good. I know there is a movie, but I haven't seen that.

That is all for now!


P.S I just saw that The Eyre Affair is set around the 1980s too!

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