Friday, 8 January 2016

The Perfect Book- I CAN'T SLEEP!

Hey there!

So, a couple of days ago there was this pretty loud and heavy storm that passed through where I live. I was up until about 4:15am trying to sleep but it was too loud!!

Then there was a blackout. Not all of the things in the house lost electricity. You know, just the WI-FI AND MY READING LAMP!

So I had to pull out my trusty book light and I read a chapter of Wuthering Heights. Which is kind of ironic because the word 'wuthering' means strong wind. And there was a LOAD of wind that night.

I thought this post might help people who may be trying to sleep and just cannot. I know my first go- to thing to do if I can't get to sleep is to read. I usually try to read something boring and uninteresting, but also classics too (I am liking Wuthering Heights so far) because they aren't too exciting and full of adrenaline and suspense. 

I am going to pick a selection of books/genres I find can help me sleep if I am having trouble and I hope this list will come in handy whenever you are having trouble dozing off:

- Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. There's just something about this book- the elegance, the writing, the long, droning paragraphs and the small print. The elegance is something that puts me in a good mood, the writing has to be good but not fast paced, the long droning paragraphs and parts are good to get you bored and tired and if you can find a copy with small print- bam. Your eyes will be exhausted in no time! Any other classic or book like this would be suitable too. Make sure it has these points though.

-Biographies/Autobiographies. Having something inspiring or serious to read about can stimulate you. Try something long or something that may not even interest you that much. It may or may not work. At the moment, I am reading Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. It is a biography, report and account.  Thank you to friend who got it for me!

- The Book of Virtues by William J. Bennett. This book is so boring. Wow. I used to read it when I was being sort of am insomniac for a period of time and my eyes felt so heavy. Pick up a copy of this is you can. I applaud anybody who has read the whole thing. I just don't find an interest in people who right a thick book about virtues. I dunno.

-A book that you enjoy and makes you feel good inside. Just don't make it be an action packed, thrilling, suspenseful novel. This makes you want more and the suspense will hang over you and probably make you sleep less or worse. Romance? Comedy? Historical fiction? Whatever suits you.

Now the reading don'ts-

-Don't read on an iPad. The screens and light make you more awake (from experience). If you read on a Kindle, turn the brightness down all the way and use a light to read the text.

-Don't force yourself to read on or finish the chapter. When you start to feel sleepy, just put the book down and turn out the light. Don't even worry about putting it away or anything if you are really tired. (Unless you have a dog or any animal that likes to chew everything. Don't risk that :)

I hope this post will help you. I might do other versions of this (maybe for example 'The Perfect Book- I CAN'T CONCENTRATE!'?


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