Saturday, 9 May 2015

Coraline- Neil Gaiman

Today I am discussing Coraline. Coraline is a very spooky, original book about a girl, surprisingly named Coraline, who moves into a really, really old house. Coraline finds a door, and when she climbs through it appears to be in her same home but her parents have buttons for eyes.

I watched the movie last night and I really like it because it's in stop animation and it's very creative. The book wasn't that different from the movie, but one major character that was added into the movie wasn't in the book. While I was reading the book I was getting more and more into the chapters and thinking 'Where's Wybie? Where is he?' Then I got to the end of the book and thought, 'They must have added him into the movie cleverly. Smart.'

Coraline has a sort of feeling about it, like a spooky but pleasing read. Yeah, okay, it probably wasn't as awesome as I hoped it would be, but it was still great. I just think I need more of a scare. But, it is written for, about, eight year olds and up, so it couldn't be too thrilling.

I know if I was to write a best seller, I would never have thought of a girl who's name everyone pronounces wrong and who has an Other Mother and Other Father that have buttons for eyes in a world just like her own.

I just like the creepiness of the book. I saw the movie way before I read the book and that was very creepy.

And the talking cat. I love the talking cat.

I don't really have anything more to add for this discussion. I like the illustrations in the edition I have, which is this one- -----------------------------------------------)


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