Monday, 11 April 2016

Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin


Reaction after finishing the book: No it can't finish here! There are so many questions left unanswered! This is so unsatisfying. Please, PLEASE let this not be a stand-alone book! What happens?!

Wolf by Wolf is a historical fiction novel by Ryan Graudin. The year is 1956. It is set as if the Nazis have won the war 10 years earlier. The main protagonist isYael, a young girl who has a painful history of experimentations and loss during the years of war. She is part of the resistance, and her mission is simple but deadly- kill Adolf Hitler.

The novel follows Yael as she takes part in a motorcycle race to get close enough to Hitler so she can assassinate him. But will she get there? And what awaits her through her mission?

This book is so stunning. It is action packed, suspenseful, heartbreaking and you get so close to some of the characters.

First of all- I love the writing style. It is jam-packed with metaphors and meaning. It is very poetic, but at the same time, informative. It's the kind of writing style that I would personally like to adopt. I think it really is a big factor that makes this book whole. The first thing I usually take note of in a book is the writing style, and the writing in his book is superb.

Yael is such an expressive character and she has a great voice. Without giving too much away, she is so brutally honest about her feelings during her time in a concentration camp and being subjected to needles and chemicals. Yet you can tell she has a lot of secrets that she keeps from others but also the reader as well.

Another character in this book, Felix, is so gosh-damn annoying that I just wanted to leave him far behind. And Yael does. He is not a love interest, but,personally, I thought he was a very irritating character who spoiled a lot of things for Yael. He did, however, help her out a couple of times, so he gets a small bit of respect. I like it in a book when the author can make you have such strong feelings and thoughts about a character.

There was a good balance between action packed and the more calm parts in between. The more active parts of the story were still so exciting and gripping.

The story also switches between past and present for Yael. I like the fact that they included these flashbacks. They really do explain a lot about the wolves that Yael will always have with her, that haunt her but also comfort her.

The twists and deception in this book are so mind-blowing, especially the last major one. I was astounded.

This book sparks a lot of questions, a lot of what if? this and that. The 'author's note' even explains that that is what was running through Graudin's head when she wrote the novel and about history itself. A good book, in my opinion, in a book that makes you think. This was definitely one of those stories.

About my reaction after the book finished: I was looking to see other reviews on the book to see what others thought of it and I saw that it had a sequel, called Blood for Blood. I am so excited. It comes out October 16 2016, so I will be on the lookout!

Overall, Wolf by Wolf is a very empowering story about a teenager's will to survive at all costs, and the cause and effect of a war that changed the world.
